Tuesday, May 02, 2023

It's like a miracle happens

Each morning I set aside 

a half-hour to write these pages.

It's the time of day I love--

the silence of early morning, 

the blank pages waiting

in anticipation for words,

the not knowing what I'll find 

on the page, what ideas

or thoughts I might discover.

It's like a miracle happens 

every morning: I open my eyes 

and get out of bed and sit at my desk 

and hold this pen and move my hand 

across the page and see words appear 

beneath my hand, and at the end of 

the 30 minutes I can find a page 

or more filled with words 

like a bucket filled with water, 

sustenance of life, 

evidence of my presence

that I am here, alive, 

savoring this moment. 

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